In Baldur's Gate 3, if you're building a Cleric character, your choice of Deity is crucial. It affects gameplay and how the in-game world views you. Need help deciding? Let's dive into the Deities you can choose and their significance.
Why Choosing a Deity Matters:
In the rich world of Baldur’s Gate 3, character customization spans from race to class and even appearance. But for Clerics, there's an extra layer: the Deity they worship. This decision is more than cosmetic—it can influence your journey throughout the game.

Overview of Deities in Baldur’s Gate 3:
With 24 Deities to choose from, each comes with its unique ideology. Here's a brief look at each:
- Bane: Focuses on hate, fear, and tyranny.
- Bhaal: Known as a symbol of murder.
- Corellion Larethian: Primary God of Elves, endorsing art, nature, and music.
- Eilistrae: Goddess of beauty, song, and freedom.
- Garl Glittergold: God of humor, trickery, and gem crafting.
- Helm: The eternal sentry and protector across planes.
- Ilmater: Defender of the oppressed and persecuted.
- Kelemvor: Guides the dead and punishes wayward undead.
- Myrkul: Instills fear of death and opposes Kelemvor.
- Moradin: God of smithing and mining.
- Lolth: Contrasts with Eilistrae, controlling dark creatures and aiming to corrupt.
- Laduguer: Promotes cold behavior.
- Shar: Goddess of Darkness and secrets.
- Selune: Moon Goddess and Shar's twin, they stand opposed.
- Oghma: God of invention and sharing knowledge.
- Mystra: Arcane knowledge guardian.
- Yondalla: Goddess of kindness and protection.
- Vlaakith: Leader of the Githyanki, known as the Lich Queen.
- Tyr: Upholds justice and law.
- Tempus: War deity valuing honor and detesting needless violence.
- Talos: Advocates for chaos and destruction in nature.
- Mielikki: A direct counter to Talos, she embodies peace in nature.
- Tymora: The risk-taking gambling Goddess.
- Lathander: Symbolizes new beginnings and vitality.
There you have it! A concise guide to help you make the best Deity choice for your Cleric in Baldur's Gate 3. Choose wisely!