The Apex Legends Final Fantasy 7 Takeover event changes everything, from materia gun hop-ups, to insane new weapons (including the famous Buster Sword), to heaps of new skins and cosmetics. This article covers the latter, revealing every new gun and legend skin currently confirmed.
Apex Legend Final Fantasy Legend Skins:
Wattson as a Moogle:

Crypto as Cloud:

Valkyrie as Yuffie:

Newcastle as Barret:

Horizon as Aerith:

Wraith as Vincent:

Weapons skins include cosmetics inspired by the various summons available in FF7, from the fiery Ifrit to Bahumut to Shiva.

How to Get Final Fantasy Cosmetics in Apex:
All 36 FF7 cosmetics, including the legend skins, will be obtainable in event packs. You will also be unable to obtain item duplicates in your event packs, maximizing your shot at getting whatever skin you're hunting!
How to Get the Buster Sword in Apex:

The Buster Sword R5 cosmetic can be equipped in place of your heirloom or fists. It is obtained via the event packs unique to the FF7 Takeover event, the same as all the other Final Fantasy skins. It's key to note that the Buster Sword R5 will not enter the Mythic Shop after the event ends, meaning you must unlock it during the Final Fantasy Takeover event!
The Final Fantasy Takeover event begins on January 9th, so be prepared!