With the beginning of Set 11 Patch 14.6, we see some item updates and changes. Check out which items will perform well at the beginning of the new TFT set so you can choose the best ones.
We already showed the best comps and champions for Patch 14.6 so make sure to read those articles as well and be fully prepared for your games!
Table of Contents
The combination of Bramble Vest, Dragon's Claw, and Warmog's Armor remains an incredible choice for any tank. The stats and effects outshine any other tank items.
Bloodthirster, Giant Slayer, and Titan's Resolve are great for almost all AD units. Guinsoo's Rageblade is the core for most of the ranged AD carries.
Here we see some great items that mostly fill the third item slot for carries and tanks alike. We also see some great situational items like Sunfire Cape for anti-heal.
Items in B-Tier are definitely niche but still have their place in the meta. For example, even though Hextech Gunblade isn't amazing stat-wise, the utility it brings makes it great with Bard or Orianna.
Here we find the items that get outshined by their alternatives. Crownguard and Protectors Vow can't compete with the tank items in S and A Tier. Runaans Hurricane doesn't do nearly as much damage as Rageblade.
Morellonomicon and Quicksilver don't have much of a purpose in Set 11 so far.
Let the TFT Set 11 battles begin! Have fun exploring all the new comp possibilities with the champions, and good luck in your games. Check out more of our TFT content:
- TFT Set 11: All Champions Tier List Patch 14.6 Full Guide
- TFT Patch 14.6: New Augments and Portals, Support Item Changes
- What are Encounters in TFT Set 11? Explained